HiPC'19 accepted paper
IsoKV: An Isolation Scheme for Key-Value Stores by Exploiting Internal Parallelism in SSD
YCSB benchmark for modified RocksDB(not for YCSB's default version)
코드를 수정한 RocksDB 버전에 YCSB 벤치마크 돌리기
performance Comparion of synchroniztion Operations + Intel Transactional Memory Operation
멀티스레드 동기화 방법 비교
KSC'18 accepted paper
플래시 내 I/O 분리 처리를 통한 LSM-tree 기반 데이터베이스 성능 최적화
MWDS'18 accepted paper
Application-Driven Flash Management: LSM-tree based Database Optimization through Read/Write Isolation
InnoDB basic and i/o path
InooDB basic concept and function call trace(function call stack, read write path)
liblightnvm(work in progress)
유저스페이스에서 Open Channel SSD 컨트롤 하기
Performance Analysis Based on Write Buffer and Thread Configuration in Open Channel SSD Platforms
Open Channel SSD 플랫폼에서 쓰기 버퍼 및 스레드 구성에 따른 성능 분석
The Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem - Write Path
Kernel Code Analysis - Write path
Getting started with Open-Channel-SSD with CNEX SSD(CNEX Labs Westlake ASIC)
Tips for getting started with CNEX SSD
Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem - Read Path
Kernel Code Analysis - Read path
번역) Open-Channel SSD Subsystem Docs
Getting Started With Open Channel SSD
LightNVM: The Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem
note, reading LightNVM: The Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem
CSIRO) Radio Tomography System using low-power Sensor Network Device (5)
Image Reconstruction
CSIRO) Radio Tomography System using low-power Sensor Network Device (5)
Test Configuration
CSIRO) Radio Tomography System using low-power Sensor Network Device (4)
How to design Device Application for RTI
CSIRO) Radio Tomography System using low-power Sensor Network Device (3)
How to get started Contiki with a CC2650 board in Linux
CSIRO) Radio Tomography System using low-power Sensor Network Device (2)
TI Sensortag CC2650 and Contiki
CSIRO) Radio Tomography System using low-power Sensor Network Device (1)
What is radio tomographic imaging?
Publication) Performance Modeling and Measurement of Selective Page-Mapping Table on the OpenSSD Platform
OpenSSD) Jasmine Technical Resources Document 번역
Workload Analysis Logging by using FUSE(Filesystem in Userspace)